
Natural stone and healing stone shop Blanca staff blog

2024.10.24 16:53 1 0


I'm looking for it...

I can't find which box I put it in (´ー`)

Maybe it's in the small room

That would be a big project (´ー`)

How is everyone doing?

I found some items that caught my eye, so I picked them out

I'll be taking all my Inca Rose stock to the Nishijin store

I'll have tamaki do a reading for the labradorite, which is a little higher class than standard, and share it with me

What surprised me was that there were only three Tanzanian amethyst elestial rough stones left

It brings back memories (´ー`)

I'll take some pictures of that and talk about it again later

And, as some of you may already know, this

and this

A smoky quartz ring and

a crystal skull ring

I looked at them for the first time in a while and suddenly realized

This might be popular at the HP store...

No, because

They probably don't exist now, right?

The Smokey ring in particular was made about 20 years ago.

A long time ago, there was a Hong Kong supplier that was very strong in petrified wood and tourmaline.

It wasn't a major company, but it was a well-known mid-sized company with its own factory.

It had high production techniques and was a good company.

They were also good at carving Buddhist items.

But... they couldn't keep up with the times.

They were swallowed up by the rising new forces.

The stone business was almost dissolved.

I wonder how many years it was.

The last time I went there was about 15 years ago.

That At the time, there was nothing new

As for stones

They were just dealing with the huge amount of excess stock

Most of the staff had moved on to new businesses

What was it...something like miscellaneous goods

So, it was about 7 years...8 years ago

I thought I'd take a look at my suppliers

including places I hadn't been to in a while

and went round and round

I went there for the first time in a long time

15 years ago I didn't think anything of it

But when I saw it 7 years ago, I thought it was amazing

I thought they couldn't make anything like this anymore

There were a ton of carving items

Items like this

cost-wise and material-wise, they can't be made now

Well, if you can set a high price for something like a Baccarat ring

you can make them, but the lot size is big, and they're big, so it's not easy to get a deal

There were loads of them... at the price back then

So I grabbed all the ones that looked like they were the right size

However, no matter how great the items are

They're leftover stock from years of making

So there were a lot of odd sizes

So there wasn't much to choose from

But I think I managed to get a few dozen

Naturally, it's popular at Blanca,

and the quartz crystals have almost all gone,

so I've been leaning towards smoky colors, so I've taken it off the shelves,

and today, I saw it for the first time in a while,

and I thought it was even newer now,

or rather, I thought it was something that no one had ever seen before,

HP stores, or so-called online stores,

are inevitably competing to sell similar products,

so it's a price war,

so I don't want to get involved in such a pointless battle,

so I try to focus on unique items that are as unique as possible,

but other than original jewelry,

there's not much out there, right? This ring looks good

Well, I don't know

How should I create a corner for the HP store

Smoky quartz is out of the question

It's hard to categorize natural stone rings...

I can't think of anything ( ´_ゝ`)

I'll take some photos tomorrow and think about it (´ー`)

Tomorrow is Sunday

We open at 11:00 and close at 18:00

And the day after tomorrow, Monday,

we will be closed due to work at Blanca Farm

We apologize for the inconvenience, but please be careful not to make any mistakes

~ JiJi ~

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